#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154


Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for October 2024!

Tip of the month

January Tip of the Month

Refresh Your Job Search in 2017

Now that the season of social gatherings, networking and indulgence is behind you, this is a great time to freshen up your approach to searching for employment. Try to avoid the temptation to hibernate during the cold winter months and consider that a new year is upon us, a chance for new beginnings. The theme of resolutions top of mind this month, why not take this opportunity to find inspiration in your job search? Here are a few tips to help refresh your job search.

1)    Give yourself a “brain break” – especially if your days are filled with looking on the computer for jobs and you are feeling overwhelmed by the process. Take a morning or afternoon off and unplug from technology to focus on your own personal wellness. You want to be your best self when you are contacted for an interview, so find a creative way to feel great. Maybe you want to consider registering for the Self-Care for Your Job Search workshop at The Career Centre.

2)    Follow up with any new connections you made over the holiday season. Finding jobs is often done through networking and getting to know others in your community. Think back to any of those folks that you met in the last month or two, and follow up. Let your connections know what you are interested in and that you are still looking for employment, put yourself out there.

3)    Be open to accepting a job that provides new experiences, and try to not allow that to dissuade you from applying somewhere. A new and different atmosphere may give you a renewed sense of energy and outlook, so try to not shy away from a field of work you haven’t yet explored.

4)    Consider a “job search resolution” for 2017; just ensure it is sensible and realistic, like you would with your health and fitness goals, right? Be honest with yourself and measure your successes – the big and small ones! Pat yourself on the back after you craft a tailored resume and a personalized cover letter for the perfect job. Those are great accomplishments!
You are always welcome to come in to The Career Centre to speak with one of our friendly staff members if you have questions or would like some support in your job search activities.

December Tip of the Month

December can be a difficult time to job search as many employers have already hired for the busy season or are too busy to hire. Here are some ways to still feel productive in your job search:

  • Start a blog or website that focuses on your interests and passion. Have you felt a surge of energy when you are telling people about your favourite fishing hole or the great golf game you had yesterday? Does time fly when you are scrapbooking? Share these passions with the rest of the world and you never know where this may lead. Perhaps a golf course hires you to help in the pro shop or a local scrapbooking company hears about your blog and hires you to assist in a workshop. Where to start, www.blogger.com is an easy free blogging site or sign up for our Using Social Media for Your Job Search workshop to find out more.
  • Work on your Linked In account and learn how to market yourself online at our Using Social Media For Your Job Search Workshop
  • Most jobs aren’t advertised and job seekers find out about opportunities through their network. So…expand your network! ‘Tis the season to be social so jump at opportunities to get out and meet people in our community. Sign up for that course you always wanted to take, even if it isn’t related to your job, who knows who might be in the class. Join a recreation class, you get exercise and meet new people, who may be possible employers, or know someone who is.
  • Pamper yourself – get a new haircut, pedicure or a new outfit.   You will feel and look good and present well in interviews and when dropping off resumes. Check out our Career Closet as we have a variety of new or rarely worn professional outfits. The Vancouver Island University Spa Institute offers reduced rates for spa services at the Parksville/Qualicum campus.

Tip of the Month For June

Add Fun to Your Job Search

Summer is here and often people relate summer to fun, play and vacations. Looking for work could be a tough task when the sun is shining and the beach is calling. So here are some ways to add some fun to your job search:

  1. Start a blog or website that focuses on your interests and passions. Have you felt a surge of energy when you are telling people about your favourite fishing hole or the great golf game you had yesterday? Does time fly when you are scrapbooking? Share these passions with the rest of the world and you never know where this may lead. Perhaps a golf course hires you to help in the pro shop or a local scrapbooking company hears about your blog and hires you to assist in a workshop. Start with www.blogger.com , an easy free blogging site. Sign up for our Using Social Media for Your Job Search work-shop to find out more.
  2. Most jobs aren’t advertised and job seekers find out about jobs through their network. There are fun ways to expand your network, like signing up for that course you always wanted to take, even if it isn’t related to your job. Who knows who might be in the class? Join a recreation class; you get exercise and meet new people, who may be possible employers, or know someone who is hiring.
  3. Pamper yourself – get a new haircut, pedicure or a new outfit. You will feel and look good and present well in interviews and when dropping off resumes. The Vancouver Island University Spa Institute offers reduced rates for spa services at the Parksville/Qualicum campus.
  4. Get out in the community! Summer is packed full of festivals, markets and special events in the Oceanside area. Volunteer to help out at local events and meet people, gain more skills and enjoy the day. Oceanside Tourism Association has a calendar of local events @ visitparksvillequalicumbeach.com.

Tip of the Month For April

By Janet Kimmel, CCDP/Employment Consultant

Want the inside scoop on how to stand out among other job candidates?

The job market is competitive. I read an interesting article on self-marketing for employment in a recent issue of BC Business magazine and thought about how it can help job seekers on Central Vancouver Island. It addresses the topic of what recruiters look for in potential candidates. Recruiters work on behalf of employers to find the best person to fill a particular role in an organization. The article discusses a new trend where it is no longer enough to be the person who achieves top grades from a good college or other training program; it is the individual who brings their true self (your brand) to the interview who will certainly stand out. The principles can be applied to job seekers in large cities and can also be applied to smaller labour market such as ours.

How can you prepare yourself to stand out from the competition?
How do you demonstrate your brand?

Know your personality
What are your talents, passions, interests, unique qualities and goals that go beyond finding a job?
People with the power to hire want to hear about your thoughts, ideas, and visions on human, social, and community issues. Idealism, leadership skills, and a strong desire to improve something are examples of key character traits.

Research the organization
Use technology that is all around us. Learn from company websites and social media posts, from which you become familiar with a particular philosophical viewpoint or cause. Armed with information, you can discuss how their vision is similar to your own. John Allen, from the staffing company, People Solutions, says “With a focus on the triple bottom line and creating health and wealth in whole communities… (financial institution) Vancity looks for candidates who have done their research on the company’s cooperative model and are philosophically aligned with its mission and vision.”

Be yourself
Continue to be true to yourself and you will find a good fit. Build your resume with experience and skills you gain from community involvement. There is no shortage of work to be done, both volunteer and paid. Any specialized knowledge you acquire is the value you bring to your next job, and is an integral part of your brand.

Learn more on this topic
Come to a free workshop at The Career Centre where you can learn how your personality and your brand are essential to finding work you love.

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm