#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154


Pathway to Trades - our FREE Trades Training Sampler for Youth is back in October!


Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for July/August 2024!

Tip of the month


Interested in applying for a job but the description looks daunting?

Have you ever read a job posting and thought to yourself, “There is no way that anyone could have all of those skills!”?

To be frank, you are probably correct. Some job postings include so many duties and responsibilities, it would be impossible to find the perfect candidate. It appears to be more like a written wish list in hopes some superstar will magically appear and save the day! The list of duties on many of these job postings can be daunting and they appear to include enough duties for two or even three employees rather than just one.

So what should you do if the job interests you, regardless of the extensive shopping list?

If you have over half of the qualifications and experience they are seeking, consider applying.  Make sure you do a good job of selling the skills you possess which they have specifically mentioned. A great place to start would be in your cover letter, and then tailor your resume accordingly. Let them know how your experience can benefit their organization. Many other job seekers will view the posting and have the same reaction but not apply, as they may feel intimidated by the posting. Unfortunately some employers don’t realize they may be eliminating decent applicants, simply due to the overwhelming list which may discourage many.

Let’s put a positive spin on this!

Think about when you started your last job. Did you know everything you needed to know before you started, or were you able to learn a number of things on the job? Never does a new employee go into a job knowing everything! Be prepared to show you are eager and able to learn what you don’t already know, and you will stand a good chance of securing an interview. That’s where it all begins!

Now go impress them with your skills and experience – be confident in your strengths and abilities!


How to Prepare for the Hiring Fair – Part 2

Walking into a Hiring Fair can feel overwhelming to many of us, especially if you tend to feel nervous in unfamiliar situations or it is your first time attending. With a little preparation (see February Tip of the Month), some reflection on your own personal goals, and some strategies to manage nervousness, you will be able to work the Hiring Fair like a pro!

Tips to Calm Your Nerves

Don’t be afraid of feeling nervous. Remember that feeling this way is normal and it is an opportunity to learn about letting go of fear. If you’ve read last month’s tip and started preparing for the event you are already well on your way, so nicely done! In order to keep the nerves at bay during and prior to the event, try exploring these strategies:

  • Maintaining Positive Self-Talk – visualization
  • Relaxation Techniques – breathing techniques

Look the Part

Dress as though you are heading into an actual interview. Did you know that what you wear can create a very positive first impression? Invest time ensuring you look your best, which will go a long way in making you feel your best and allow you to exude confidence!

Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearsing what you are going to say when you greet an employer is another great way to build up your confidence. Employ friends and family members to listen to your “employer pitch” until you are feeling comfortable. Or you can make arrangements to come into the Career Centre and meet with an Employment Consultant to let them hear your pitch! Ensure you call 250.248.3205 to book an appointment if this is the route you choose.

Ease into Things

When you are at the Hiring Fair, don’t approach your #1 employer first. Give yourself time to work through your nerves and connect with businesses that perhaps are not at the top of your list. You will be more comfortable and ready to shine when you meet with your first choice!

Build Character

Starting a new job is exciting and can be a little nerve racking at the same time. New experiences help you to practice determination, self-control, patience, and eventually confidence. These are all good values that build character to help you impress your next employer.

A Final Note

You should now be feeling empowered and ready to meet your next potential employer, but perhaps you have sensory issues and would feel more comfortable in a less crowded environment? If this is the case, consider attending the Hiring Fair between 3:00 and 4:00 when it tends to be quieter.

The very act of attending an event like this, shows you are building your self-confidence and open to trying new things. Congratulations, this is good news and you are well on your way to success!



If you are looking for work, plan to attend the WorkBC Hiring Fair hosted by the Career Centre on Thursday March 16th from 12pm-4pm at Ecole Ballenas Secondary School in Parksville. With upwards of 50 employers on-site, this is a unique opportunity and a terrific way for job seekers to connect face-to-face with businesses who are looking to hire!

Here are some tips and suggestions on how to start planning for the job fair and your job search in general – we want you to be successful!

Step 1: Attend a “How to Prepare for a Hiring Fair” workshop

Learn networking strategies to ensure your success when you meet face-to-face with employers. Understand what you need to prepare before, during and after the Hiring Fair. Watch for these workshops coming up in early March.

Step 2: Dress for Success

This is no different than attending a job interview at an employer’s place of business, so you need to dress neatly and appropriately. If you need interview attire, set up an appointment to see an employment consultant here at the Career Centre – we can help.

Step 3: Research Registered Employers

You can get a step ahead of the competition by checking the list of businesses participating in the fair and researching your favourites! You can learn a lot about a company by looking online, including a glimpse of their work culture and values. After completing your research, prepare a list of questions to ask employers when you are at the Hiring Fair.

Step 4: Bring Several Copies of Your Resume

Take a folder with you containing a list of the employers you want to meet, as well as several copies of your resume, cover letters (addressed to specific employers) and letters of reference (if you have them). Be prepared to hand out additional resumes to employers not on your list. If you need assistance with creating/updating your resume, be sure to attend our Resumes and Cover Letters workshop prior to the Hiring Fair (workshops run February 6 and 22).

Step 5: Be Prepared for an Impromptu Interview

You may have two to five minutes to market yourself to a potential employer and gather information, so make the most of your time. Prior to attending, develop a one-minute “presentation statement” to highlight your qualifications. For more information on marketing yourself, consider attending our Branding “YOU”  workshop (February 7 and 21) and/or Acing the Interview (February 7 and 27).

Step 6: Network! Network! Network!

Practice the perfect greeting including eye contact, as this will make a good first impression. A Hiring Fair is a great opportunity to connect with employers and other job seekers that can support moving your career forward. Push yourself to connect with as many people as you can at the Hiring Fair.

Step 7: Collect Contact Information

Write down the name of the person and company you are interested in and their contact information, or make sure to ask for a business card from them. This will support you with Step 8.

Step 8: Send a Thank-you Note

Stay ahead of your competition by sending a thank-you note or email to your employers of choice the next day. If you do this via email, make sure it is in proper business language; no jargon, abbreviations or spelling mistakes.

The Career Centre’s Hiring Fair is a free event for job seekers to connect with local employers. For information on upcoming workshops or to register, call 250.248.3205.

We look forward to seeing you on March 16th at Ecole Ballenas Secondary School from 12-4pm!


What is One Small Thing You Can Do Today for Self-Care?

It’s a new year and why not start off by taking good care of you! It’s a great first step in working towards that new job or career you’ve been considering!

Ever wonder what happens when you don’t take care of yourself?

Consequences of Not Practicing Self-Care:

Jacqueline Getchius, a licensed professional clinical counsellor, lists the consequences of not practicing self-care on Psych Central which include:

• Low energy
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Less patience
• Increased headaches, stomach aches and other physical symptoms of stress
• Difficulty falling and staying asleep
• Binge eating or increase in unhealthy eating habits
• Worsening mental health symptoms
• Burnout
• Difficulties concentrating
• Relationship challenges or strains
• Reduction in performance at work
• Less motivation to engage in social activities

 https://eugenetherapy.com/article/50-self-care-ideas-for-a-bad-day/

 See a Doctor Online: https://www.telus.com/en/personal-health/my-care/doctors

 Video – 5 Self Care Tips When You Feel Broken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7pkZmJSXLY

 https://cmha-yr.on.ca/get-support/

 https://bouncebackbc.ca/

Crisis Lines · Vancouver Island Crisis Line 1-888-494-3888 · 1800SUICIDE 1-800-784-2433 · Mental Health Support 310-6789 (no need for “1” in front of this number) Talk Suicide Canada 1-833-456-4566.

In this new year, let’s all make a point of taking good care of ourselves. The results will benefit not only ourselves, but everyone around us – employers and job seekers alike!

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm