#110 - 198 East Island Hwy, Parksville, BC V9P 2H3      Tel. 250.248.3205   Fax. 250.248.4154


Check out our Employer of the Month and Tip of the Month for October 2024!

Tip of the month



Getting your first job when you’re young and eager can be a big challenge. But guess what? If you are checking out our website and what we have to offer, you’re already taking a crucial step forward. It shows you’re serious about making things happen!

We know that lots of young people struggle with the idea that “no experience means no job.” But here’s the good news: employers face a similar struggle. They’re often on the hunt for dependable folks who are willing to start at the bottom.

So, how do you break this cycle? Well, by getting involved! Start with volunteer gigs or opportunities for work experience. These aren’t just about gaining skills, they’re also about building relationships with potential employers. That way, when job openings pop up, you’ll already have your foot in the door!

Here’s a game plan:

  • Work on your resume: Whether you’re creating your first one or sprucing up an existing one, there are plenty of tips and resources out there to help.
  • Consider volunteering or participating in work experience: Employers are more likely to hire someone they know, so this is a great way to get noticed.
  • Show employers you’re serious by taking on these roles: Once you’ve got some experience under your belt, add it to your resume and position yourself as a valuable candidate.
  • Apply for positions with purpose: Instead of saying you’ll take anything, show employers what you can bring to the table. Think about what their organization aims to provide and how you can contribute to that.

Put yourself in the employer’s shoes. Think about what they’re trying to achieve and how you can help. By sharing your experiences and ideas, you’ll show them why you’re the perfect fit for the job!

Here are some helpful links to help you get started on your Job Search:

Career Centre Job Board

Interview Tips from WorkBC

Tips for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters

Explore Training and Education

Job Bank


Volunteering Can Help Your Job Search

Many job seekers who have been out of the work force for some time feel hesitant about jumping back in.  Getting back in the work force can feel like a daunting task for many reasons – my skills are outdated, my contacts and references have retired or moved, I’m nervous about starting work again…  Whatever your reason is for returning to work, keep in mind that volunteering is a great way for you to build your skills, confidence, and provide you with references for your resume before taking the plunge back into the employment pool.

Did you know that volunteering has been proven to reduce stress, combat depression and leads to a greater sense of self-worth?  Volunteers often learn new skills that they may not have otherwise tried and make long lasting social connections with people who share common interests.

April 14-20 is National Volunteer Week and if you are feeling that desire to make a difference in a volunteering capacity, there are many organizations in the Oceanside area who could benefit from your energy and enthusiasm.

The Society of Organized Services is always in search of volunteers to help with the large number of programs that they offer the residents of Oceanside.

The local Salvation Army has numerous volunteer opportunities that you can explore on their website.

The Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce has a number of volunteering opportunities listed on their site for different community organizations.

Island Health is always looking for volunteers to support their patients, residents, clients, visitors and staff.

The local SPCA currently has 6 different volunteer opportunities.

Here are a few other opportunities for volunteering in the area:

Parksville Community Centre
Oceanside Building Learning Together (OBLT)
The Tutoring Program (Career Centre)
Inclusion Parksville
Oceanside Community Safety
Haven Society

Volunteering truly is a rewarding way to give back to your community while gaining valuable experience and references at the same time! 

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
– Winston Churchill


Get ready for the Hiring Fair!

Explore job opportunities at the upcoming Hiring Fair, hosted by the Career Centre on Friday, March 8th, from 12pm to 4pm at the Jensen Centre (BGC Parksville Child and Family Centre), 132 Jensen Avenue East, Parksville. Last year over 50 employers were present, providing a unique opportunity for job seekers to engage directly with businesses actively looking to hire. Stay tuned and keep checking back for additions to the list of employers attending in 2024!

To maximize your success at the job fair and in your job search overall, consider the following steps:

Step 1: Participate in a How to Prepare for a Hiring Fair workshop. Acquire networking strategies to ensure success during face-to-face interactions with employers. Gain insights into necessary preparations before, during, and after the Hiring Fair.

Step 2: Dress professionally for success, akin to attending a job interview. If you require interview attire, schedule an appointment with an employment consultant at the Career Centre for assistance.

Step 3: Research the list of registered employers beforehand. Get a competitive edge by researching businesses of interest, understanding their work culture and values. Prepare a set of questions to engage employers during the Hiring Fair.

Step 4: Bring multiple copies of your resume. Organize a folder with a list of target employers, several copies of your resume, cover letters (specifically addressed to certain employers), and letters of reference if available. Be ready to distribute extra resumes to employers not initially on your list. If you need assistance creating or updating your resumes, be sure to attend the Career Centre’s Resumes and Cover Letters Workshop prior to the Hiring Fair.

Step 5: Prepare for impromptu interviews. Craft a one-minute “presentation statement” highlighting your qualifications to effectively market yourself to potential employers. Attend workshops such as Branding “YOU” and Acing the Interview for additional insights.

Step 6: Network actively. Practice a polished greeting with eye contact to make a positive first impression. The Hiring Fair provides a valuable opportunity to connect with employers and fellow job seekers who can contribute to advancing your career.

Step 7: Collect contact information. Record the names and contact details of individuals and companies of interest or ask for business cards to facilitate follow-up.

Step 8: Send thank-you notes. Stay ahead of the competition by sending thank-you notes or emails to your preferred employers the following day. Ensure professionalism in your communication, avoiding jargon, abbreviations, or spelling mistakes.

The Career Centre’s Hiring Fair is a complimentary event for job seekers to engage with local employers. For details on upcoming workshops or to register, please call 250.248.3205.

We eagerly anticipate your presence on March 8th at the Hiring Fair from 12pm to 4pm!



Most experts agree, December and January are typically quiet months as most recruiting goes on a temporary hiatus. Managers may decide to put off their hiring goals until after the New Year. People are on vacation, celebrating with their families, and slowing down training and onboarding activities.

January and February seem to be the best time of year to land that job. Hiring managers have likely just received their budgets. Hiring continues after the holidays, and employees return to work rested and ready to perform. Using employers’ downtime to your advantage during the holidays, could result in a perfect new job!

It’s important to keep up your momentum and actively job search during this time. Here are some reasons to continue to job search during December and through January:

Fewer Competitors

Many job seekers take a break from job searching at this time. You may face less competition when applying for a job. There is a better chance of being hired for sudden opportunities.

Networking Opportunities

With all of the social and business get-togethers happening now, you have an opportunity to network with other professionals in your field. Consider attending some of the many events occurring in your area. Bring your business cards so you can easily pass on your information to all your new contacts.
(Pro tip: brush up on your networking skills with our Beyond the Postings workshop. Call 250.248.3205 to register.)

Secured Employment

It might be an even more enjoyable holiday season knowing you’re going into the New Year with a new job, salary and benefits. You could even spend a bit more on that festive budget!

Early Start to January Hiring

As we mentioned, a lot of businesses receive their new budgets in January. Making that connection now might make that manager’s hiring decision in January much easier.  Applying at this time of year allows you to connect with hiring managers before other candidates start applying in the New Year.

Potential for Seasonal to Permanent Jobs

Many employers hire temporary staff during the holidays. Some temporary employees can stand out and discover key timing for new opportunities. If you make a good impression, you might just land that permanent position.

Later Start Dates

Many companies take extra time off during the holiday season. If you want extra time before starting your new job, you can discuss options and negotiate a later start date.

Team Building during the Holidays

Many employers celebrate the holidays with outings, events and parties. Starting a new job during this time will allow you to bond with your new teammates and get a feel for the company culture.

Keep up your Momentum

Keeping up your job search efforts and schedule will help you maintain your momentum. Staying organized and ready for a last-minute interview can help develop good habits. Maintaining your motivation can make it easier to transition into January if you’re still looking for a new role.

Remember, sometimes the ability to feel motivated depends on how hopeful you are that you’ll find a job or how you feel about your interactions with potential employers. If you notice yourself becoming demotivated you may want to practice some positive self-talk and affirmations. Positive self-talk is thinking positive thoughts that make you feel good about yourself and your circumstances. This practice may help you feel more optimistic and motivated.

You can practice this as an inner monologue or vocalize your affirmations. Ask yourself what you might say to a friend needing encouragement and then say those same things to yourself.

  • I have a strong and healthy body.
  • I achieve my goals.
  • I’m a hard worker, and my efforts are always rewarded.
  • I’m being kind to myself today.
  • I have an attitude of gratitude.

Are there any more that you can come up with?

However you find your motivation, the important part is that you try. Stay positive and keep putting your resumes out there, make connections, and have a happy holiday!

Career Centre

#110-198 East Island Hwy,
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Fax. 250.248.4154

Mon-Tues 8:30am-4:30pm
Wed 8:30am-6:00pm
Thurs-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

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#110-198 East Island Hwy
Parksville, BC V9P 2H3
Tel. 250.248.3205
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm